# 08 - Seedbox Based on the [[Digital garden]] analogy, [this post](https://forum.obsidian.md/t/what-a-seedbox-is-and-why-it-has-been-valuable-to-me/) on the Obsidian forum introduced the concept of a seedbox: > It’s an inbox with a nicer name and some methodology around it. > ... > In this metaphor, “seeds” are captured ideas. When you put a seed into your seedbox, you are “planting” it, in the hopes that it will grow into an Understanding. The thing is, when you plant a seed, you don’t really know what kind of plant it might grow up to be. In short, our seedbox holds notes that were "planted" by a contributor who added some initial content, but might need a bit more time before they are "complete" (when the notes are linked, filled out, and/or filed in a suitable folder). %% Hub footer: Please don't edit anything below this line %% # This note in GitHub <span class="git-footer">[Edit In GitHub](https://github.dev/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/blob/main/06%20-%20Inbox/Seedbox.md "git-hub-edit-note") | [Copy this note](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/main/06%20-%20Inbox/Seedbox.md "git-hub-copy-note") | [Download this vault](https://github.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/archive/refs/heads/main.zip "git-hub-download-vault") </span>